Do Christians Pray To God Or Jesus?

WHO SHOULD I PRAY TO? Most Believers generally pray to God the Father and Christ Jesus our Lord. Yet recognizing their distinct roles in our lives and knowing that we serve one God. Whomever we direct our prayers to is our god. So, the question, should Christians pray to God or Jesus Christ may seem obvious enough but it’s not? But we must keep in mind that the Lord God is a Triune One. He has only three manifestations: The Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost.

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What Are the Steps to Salvation?  

In one breath, many Christians claim that there are no steps to Salvation, yet in the next intake of oxygen, they vociferously proclaim that believing on Jesus Christ is the first step to Salvation. Which is it? Are there steps to salvation or not? Are the steps identical to the way of salvation? But allow me the latitude to share this open secret with you. In this life, we are confronted with steps in everything that we do and steps to salvation are not different. In this Bible study, I will answer two main questions. First, what are the steps to salvation according to the Bible, and second, could demons be saved? This means that if you follow the steps in this Bible study, at the end of it, you could be saved.


What Are The Important Characteristics of A Prayer Warrior?

DOES EVERY CHRISTIAN HAVE WHAT IT TAKES? What are the chief characteristics of a prayer warrior and does every Believer possess them? Prayer warriors carry the world on their shoulders. They fight battles we do not see and are always at war with the enemy. Are you uncertain about who is a Prayer Warrior? No worries, I got you covered. Click this link to read more on that then head back to this page to continue with today’s topic. Being a prayer warrior isn’t the easiest thing in the world; it is hard. It takes a lot of strength and energy to fight spiritual battles. Paul was a well-known prayer warrior. He emulated Christ and was one of the best examples of a prayer warrior. He was selfless in His pursuit of Christ and always looked out for the church.


What Is The Way of Salvation?

What Are The Ways of Salvation? On the other hand, when you are on the way of salvation you have already found Christ as your Savior. You are already saved. There are not many ways of salvation. Similarly, there are not many ways to salvation. There is just one way, that is ‘the way’ and we know that Jesus Christ is ‘the way, the truth and the life’; he is the only way to salvation.  Nevertheless, above, when Luke says the way of salvation, in this instance, he was not directly talking about Jesus Christ.


Why Is Lucifer The Son of The Morning?

The Lord describes Lucifer as the Son of The Morning because of his extremely bright presence. The Lord created him for worship. Therefore, the Bible says, “the workmanship of thy tabrets and of thy pipes was prepared in thee in the day that thou wast created.” Ezekiel 28:13. This doesn’t mean that he is a morning star. Jesus is the only Bright Morning Star. There are not two-morning stars, but one. He’s Jesus Christ! The Lord never called Satan, Lucifer. Neither did the Bible once call Lucifer Satan. Lucifer was that bright sinless angel in heaven. Satan is that lackluster, sin-filled angel cast out into the earth. He is an unemployed cherub. He is also the deceiving Serpent that was in the Garden of Eden. The one that deceived Eve and introduced sin and death to the earth. They are not one and the same.


The Main Types of Christian Prayer Every Believer Prays?

One of the most confused religions today is Christianity. One of the areas chaos is evident in, is the discussion on types of Christian prayer. I will have you understand that the types of prayers in Christianity, today, are in the Church and the Bible. No two “Christian Writers” agree on this topic. Even pastors disagree on this! Below you will find a partial list of some of the main types of prayers that they postulate exists in the Bible. WHAT IS A PRAYER?

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Has The Lord Called Us To Preach the Gospel?

IS EVERYONE CALLED TO PREACH THE GOSPEL? What does it mean that the Lord has called you to preach the Gospel? Has he called everyone to the ministry of the Gospel? How do you know that the Lord has called you to preach? Today I continue my Book of Acts Bible study and I want to use this opportunity to say Happy New Year to all Students of The Word. It has been a few weeks since I have done a Bible study, but I am here again and I am here to stay. So in today’s scripture reading, we are going to pick up where we left off in Acts 16 and we are going to read from verses 9 through 12. If you would rather watch the video for this Bible Study, click this link!

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Should Christians Pray To God For Protection And Why?

Should Believers pray to God for protection? Yes, that sounds about right. The Christian life is filled with adventure. We’re called to live for Christ and glorify Him in all that we do. Does God protect His children? Yes, He does! God gave His only Begotten Son as a sacrifice for sins so that you and I can live lives of righteousness in Him. The same God protects His children. If God protects us, why should we pray for protection? We pray for protection because we’re acknowledging our helplessness and frailty in a dangerous and ever-changing world. God alone is our fortress and help in times of trouble. No human can replace Him.