
What All Christians Need to Know About a Parable and Why We Must Know Parables?

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Updated:- Tuesday, November 7th, 2023

What Is a Parable?

I bet the definition of a parable that you know is totally different from the one that the Bible provides.

As a child, I heard the saying that “a parable is an earthly story with a heavenly meaning“. But is this true?

According to popular internet resources like Merriam-Webster and Wikipedia, there is no uniformity in describing a parable.

The following is how Merriam-Webster defines the subject.


Many people prefer the definition of a parable according to Wikipedia:


I also prefer the latter definition of a parable over the first.

These definitions for parables are OK but they are not totally how the Holy Bible describes them.

So, what does the Holy Bible say about parables?

Are All Parables Stories?

In our search for a correct definition of a parable, according to the Holy Bible, we need the complete information.

And we could only acquire that if we utilize the entire Book and not just a portion of it.

Persons who feel that parables are only “stories” receive their understanding of them mainly from the New Testament (NT).

And especially those relating to the proverbs of Jesus Christ.

Which of Jesus’ parables is most popular in contemporary conversations and our everyday life?

Although stories are found in both Old Testament (OT) and NT that’s not the complete picture.

However, there is another group of people who utilize both the NT and the OT to aid their comprehension of puzzles.

What is a Parable in the Bible?

According to the entire Bible, a parable does not possess any restrictions of being fictional or otherwise.

Thus, a parable is not limited to stories for it could also be something else. It could be factual!

One of the Old Testament’s definitions for a parable is explained in the following verse of scripture:

So, according to the Bible, a riddle is synonymous with a parable.

Biblical Synonyms For Parables – Parable Synonym

This gets more interesting as yet another of the Lord’s Prophets applies his personal spin to the meaning of a riddle.

Listen to him:

Habakkuk 2:6

The prophet Ezekiel informs us that a parable is a riddle, but now Habakkuk reveals that it is also a proverb.

So, for us to learn more about the nature of parables we will investigate what the wisest king says about them and we will visit his Book of Proverbs.

Except for Jesus Christ, the wisest man to grace this earth is not Albert Einstein but King Solomon, the son of King David.

He explains what is a riddle and who uses it.

Does Everyone Understand a Parable?

King Solomon, the wisest man informs us what is a parable, and who uses them, and finally, he tells us that everyone does not understand a riddle.

Listen closely as he explains. He says, he spends his life doing four major things and one of them was attempting to understand proverbs.

He reveals that he wanted

Here, Solomon defines parables as “the words of the wise” and “their dark sayings” (Proverbs 1:6).

He wasn’t the only “person” to provide this definition for a parable.

Listen to his father, King David, as he was moved by the influence of the Spirit of Christ.

Listen to him also as he explains what are parables.

These Are Parables Too

So, both Solomon and David confessed that a parable or a proverb is a “dark sayings of old” (Psalm 78:2).

David continues his explanation, “Which we have heard and known, and our fathers have told us” (Psalm 78:3).

Therefore, in this context, parables are not necessarily “stories”, for they could be a few apt words spoken by a wise person.

Examples of a Parable

Here are three examples of Jesus speaking parables that are not “stories”.

  • But Jesus said unto him, Follow me; and let the dead bury their dead” (Matthew 8:22 & Luke 9:60).
  • And whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die. Believest thou this?” (John 11:26).
  • Before Abraham was, I’m” (John 8:58).

These are not “stories” but a few choice words spoken by a wise man.

Yet, these are parables too.

Why Are Parables Dark Sayings?

Now, it is necessary, (at this point), to explain “dark sayings”. Parables are dark sayings not because they are evil sayings.

We know that “dark” is closely associated with evil but this is an exception to that rule.

“Dark sayings”, in this context, means that the meaning is difficult to understand, or hidden because the true meaning is concealed by the usage of everyday words to hide profound truths.

For this reason, Solomon seeks “to understand a proverb, and the interpretation” (Proverbs 1:6).

Thus, a parable or a proverb, or a riddle is also a puzzle.

Features of Parables:

  1. Dark Sayings
  2. Known Sayings
  3. Old Sayings
  4. Told as Stories
  5. Words of the Wise
  6. Utilize Everyday language
  7. Possess secret meanings
  8. Personal


Parables are not just stories. They are essentially the dark sayings of the wise. Thus, they could also be a few choice words spoken by the wise.

A puzzle is not new. It’s an old saying that has been told over and over for many years.

Not everyone will understand a parable. In the New Testament, Jesus makes parables famous.

However, there are several parables in the Old Testament as well.

Other names for parables include puzzles, riddles, or proverbs.

We need to know how to recognize parables because not all of them include the word “parable. If a riddle doesn’t include the word “parable” most Christians will not know that it is in fact a parable.

For example, in the Parable of the Sower, the Lord mentioned that it’s a parable Matthew 13:18.

However, in the parable of the Ten Virgins, the word “parable” was never mentioned. But, if we know how to recognize parables we would know that this is a parable Matthew 25:1-13.

Create Your Own

Identify and read a parable from the OT. Did you understand it? Is it similar to any of Jesus’ parables?

Finally, every proverb has a specific meaning. And each is personal. Parables may be applicable to different situations but each serves one specific purpose of the narrator.

Understanding this will also assist us to comprehend why Jesus spoke in proverbs.

In closing, create your own riddle. Think about an experience that is significant to you and create a riddle from it. Tell it to a few friends and ask them to solve it.

And as they attempt this observe how very difficult it will be for them to supply you with the correct information. Why? Because your proverb is personal! Only you alone know the answer to your puzzle.

Similarly, only Jesus alone knows the answers to his proverbs. But he shares his knowledge of them with us via the Word of God and His Holy Ghost!


Leroy A. Daley

Leroy A. Daley is an author, blogger, YouTuber, and Bible teacher. Globally, he's helped hundreds of Christians understand the Bible better. He has been studying and teaching the Bible for more than forty years. He is passionate about the Lord and spends quality time with the Word of God every day. His Books are available for purchase wherever books are sold.

This Post Has One Comment

  1. jisim

    Good read.

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